The key to success

To persevere. If you have to start from scratch, it takes time. Use the same skills that have brought you this far in your life. The key to success is how you interact with the people around you. Follow the path of successful people. There are plenty of brilliant people around you.

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Thierry Limpens
Freedoms to believe in

Existential freedom does exist, despite all the freedom that is taken from us. It exists as long as we don't take freedom as all-encompassing. Freedom is not absolute, it exists in a context in which choices are made. The choice of one excludes a freedom from the other. But we all live to become free, whatever that freedom is.

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Thierry Limpens
Self-coaching is freedom

I sometimes hear it said: we, humans, are far from being free. Yet everyone aspires to become free. Or let me say: to become freer. But what is freedom? Personally, I strongly believe in self-coaching as a path to freedom. Freedom and self-coaching, they are synonyms. So let me ask the question again: what is freedom? From the answers to this question, we can learn more about the core of self-coaching.

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Thierry Limpens
Searching for the boundaries of a human-desirable resistance

The subject of terror in the name of religion, and of ideology in the broad sense, remains topical. Whenever there are jihadist attacks, it is busier than usual on social media. Violent attacks in the name of an ideology, are often self-labeled as resistance. It does not leave people insensitive. Are the reasons and the means of this resistance justifiable? Is it able to get popular support or is a pacific counter-movement to be expected? I believe that self-coaching can help young people to set the boundaries of a human-desirable resistance and not to fall in the trap of extremism.

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Thierry Limpens
Friendship is not dangerous

Life is for people who seek love and hope, for beautiful, often lonely hearts that long for sparkles of encouragement, for riddles that unravel one step closer to the point of light that makes us embrace life and share it endlessly with those around us .

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Thierry Limpens
Ideological curses, or: from hell comes war

What we need are no hell preachers. We need prophets as they have always existed. Yes, those prophets are also there today in large and small. Their heart burns with desire to make peace by bringing people together, by creating harmony. They are people who have the fire of love in their hearts. Many come to these hearts to get warmed themselves.

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Thierry Limpens
Warm people (against polarization)

Our affection for the suffering of people gets nullified once we are on an express train that takes us away from reality, that drags us into discussions and counter-discussions about the Great Lies and the Great Truths without that in reality we engage with the people in need we are debating about. At least, this is what often happens at the discourse level.

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Thierry Limpens