Last update 14-02-2022  



1.1. The Website is the property of Thierry Limpens,

Kuikenstraat 148 

1620 Drogenbos




2.1. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of the procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information on the Website including all mobile versions thereof and mobile applications linked to it, collectively called the Website that can be reached at Uders of the Website are encouraged to read this Privacy Policy carefully.

2.2.  By visiting and submitting your information to the Website, you acknowledge that you have been informed about and agree to the Privacy Policy, including the collection, use and disclosure of any personal information that may be collected when you subscribe to the email lists and newsletters, when you register for modules, or when you request any other product or service offered by Thierry Limpens. If you do not want your personal information to be used by Us as set out in the Privacy Policy, please do not provide this information.

2.3.  Thierry Limpens (hereinafter, "We / Us") respects the privacy of the Website users (hereinafter, "Users").

2.4.  We handle the transferred personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation, and in particular the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the treatment of personal data and the free movement of that data, in effect since 25 May 2018, called General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: GDPR).

2.5.  Access to the Website (hereinafter, the “Website”) implies full and unreserved acceptance of the Privacy Policy as well as the Terms & Conditions and the Cookies Policy (see 4.5. & 4.6.) (hereinafter collectively mentioned as the “Policy").

The User acknowledges having read the information relating to the Privacy Policy, the General Terms and Conditions and the Cookies Policy and authorizes Us to handle, in accordance with the provisions of the Policy, the personal data that he or she communicates on the Website.

2.6. The Policy applies to all hosted pages on the Website. It does not apply to hosted pages of third parties to which We refer and whose Privacy Policy is different. That is why We cannot be held responsible for any data on those Websites.

2.7.  Simply visiting the Website can take place without providing any personal information such as first name, last name, postal address, email address, etc.

2.8.  As part of obtaining services, the User may be required to provide personal information. In this case the data controller is:

Thierry Limpens

Kuikenstraat 148

1620 Drogenbos


For more info, please see section 1.3. of the Privacy Policy.

2.9. Any question about the processing of this data can be sent to the following e-mail address:


3.1. In accordance with the provisions regarding the processing of personal data, the User has the following rights:

  1. the right to be informed about the objectives (see 4.3.) of the processes and about the identity of the data controller;

  2. the right to access and verify the data: the User can at any time access the data that We have about him / her or check whether she / he is included in our database. We expect the User to make this request by e-mail with the aim of identifying him / her (please provide us with your full name and address together with a copy of your identity card). This way We will have the certainty that only the User will have access to the data;

  3. the right of objection: the User may at any time object to the use of the data by Us and our active partners, by sending a request to Us (see 13.1.);

  4. the right to cancel and / or change: the User may at any time inform Us to make corrections to the data that concern her / him and, where appropriate, request the cancellation of her / his personal data;

  5. the right to limit processes: the User can in particular obtain a limitation of the processes when she / he disputes the correctness of the data, or when she / he considers that the processes are illegal;

  6. the right to transfer: the User has the right to receive the personal data that he / she has communicated to Us and can also request that this data be passed on to another data controller ;

  7. the right to object to the use of her / his data for marketing purposes at any time, upon request and free of charge. The User can simply submit Us the request (see 13.1.);

  8. the User has been informed that he / she has the right to file a complaint with the Commission for the Protection of Privacy in Belgium, by writing to GBA on Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, or by email: contact (at)

3.2.  The User may at any time request access to his / her personal data, verify it, transfer it and, in some cases, as mentioned above, limit its processing and have it corrected, by writing Us accompanied by a copy of his / her identity card or passport (see 13.1.).

3.3.  The User can request at no cost to have her / his personal data corrected and, if applicable, request that all her / his personal data be deleted from our database - except where it concerns data for which we have a legal obligation to keep them. The User can also oppose the use of his / his personal data or, where appropriate, request a limited use by sending a written request accompanied by his / her identity card or passport (see 13.1.).

3.4. We will then take the necessary steps to fulfill this wish as quickly as possible.


Nature of the information collected 

 4.1.  The User can opt to provide personal data in order to obtain / be able to obtain from Us the following: the newsletters, information, products and services, ask questions, give comments, register for events and training courses.

4.2.  By filling in forms on the Website and by using the services, the User authorizes Us to, for the purposes stated in 4.3. hereafter, proceed as follows:

  1. identify data, such as first and last name, e-mail address, delivery address, country;

  2. invoice information;

  3. communicate with the User;

  4. keep information voluntarily provided by the User for a purpose specified in the Policy, on the Website or on any other communication medium of Us;

  5. request additional information from the User in order to prevent him / her from violating any provision of the Policy or to identify him / her in that context.


4.3.  The Website collects, stores and uses data from its Users for the following purposes, in particular:

  1. to enter into, perform and manage the contractual relationship with the User;

  2. to analyze, adapt and improve the content of the Website;

  3. to ensure the services;

  4. to allow the User to receive messages (for example, relating to notifications of renewal, to product information, newsletters);

  5. to facilitate access and use of the Website;

  6. to make the accessibility and use of the Website easier;

  7. to personalize the User's experience on the Website;

  8. for the purpose of marketing activities, products and promotions proposed by Us, by sister organizations or partners, this to Users who have given permission to do so;

  9. for the purpose of direct marketing of services similar to those already subscribed by the User;

  10. to inform the User about changes to the Website and its aspects;

  11. to the use by Us or by third parties on its behalf, of information provided by the User in an aggregated and anonymous form, for internal commercial purposes or for planning, such as statistics ;

  12. for any other purpose to which the User has given permission.

Cookies and Visitor Data 

4.4. According to the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter : GDPR), which is the European privacy legislation that came into effect on May 25, 2018, cookies (or similar technologies) are subject to the explicit consent of the User.

4.5. We do not use cookies on its website The Activity Log is disabled so that the IP address or other personal data of the visitor / User cannot be collected or seen. Because the Website is built with the medium of, it has also disabled Squarespace Analytics cookies. For example, no non-essential cookies are placed on the browsers of visitors / Users.  



5.1. Protecting your privacy and information is a priority for Us. The association has taken reasonable steps to protect the User's personal information against loss, misuse and theft. Nevertheless, the User must be aware that no data transmitted via the Internet or via storage technology can be guaranteed 100 percent security. We can only take steps to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. All individuals using the Internet can take steps to help protect their personal information and further reduce the likelihood of a security incident occurring.

We take the appropriate organizational and technical measures to guarantee a level of security adapted to the risk and so that the servers hosting the data process prevent that:

  1. there is unauthorized access to or modification of the data;

  2. there is improper use or disclosure of the data;

  3. there is unlawful destruction or accidental loss of the data.

5.2.  In order to guarantee optimal payment security, We can use online payment services that meet high security standards.

5.3. Our employees who have access to data are bound by strict confidentiality.

5.4.   Users agree not to take any action that violates the Policy and, in general, the law.

Violations of trust, integrity and availability of information systems and of data stored, processed and transferred by these systems, or the attempt to commit any of these violations, are subject to legal prosecution and punishment.

5.5.  We may in no way be held responsible for the theft or hijacking of data by a third party despite the security measures that have been taken.

Third parties  

5.6.  We treat personal data as confidential information. Under no circumstances will it transfer these to third parties outside the conditions set out in the Policy and outside the objectives set out in 4.3. and outside the conditions imposed by law.

5.7.  We do not disclose the personal data of Users to third parties, except possibly to direct partners and service providers, or unless this is imposed by law, by regulation, or at government request, or to protect our rights. Access to the information of Users can be given to such third parties in function of their assistance and services delivery.

5.8. We may pass on the personal information of its Users to third parties insofar as this is necessary for the performance of a contract with its Users. In that case, these third parties will not pass this information on to other third parties, unless in one of the following situations:

  1. when the communication of this information by such third parties to their suppliers or subcontractors is necessary for the performance of the contract;

  2. where the rules in force require these third parties to communicate certain information or documents to authorities in the field of money laundering, as well as, in general, to any competent public authority.

5.9.  Communication of information to third parties will, in all circumstances, be limited to what is strictly necessary or required by the rules in force.

5.10. The Website may contain links to or from third-party Web sites (hereinafter referred to as “Third-Party Sites”). House of Chances vzw under no circumstances checks or maintains Websites of third parties. This Privacy Policy is only applicable to information generally processed by the House of Chances vzw Sites, following information collected by the House of Chances vzw Website. The use of any information provided by the User to Third Party Sites, or that such parties collect in other ways on other Sites, is not governed by this Privacy Policy.

Transfer of personal data outside the European Union 

5.11.  Due to the nature of its international operation with a global network, we may have to transfer and process the User's information (personal and non-personal) internationally for the purposes stated above as described in article 4.3. of this Privacy Policy.

5.12.  The User's consent to this Privacy Policy followed by the submission through the Website of the personal information represents an express consent to this processing and forwarding.

5.13.  We only transmit data to a non-EU country when this country provides adequate protection within the meaning of the applicable legislation and, in particular, the Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy and its implementing provisions, as well as the Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, which is in effect since May 25, 2018 (the “General Data Protection Regulation“, or GDPR law), or within the limits set by applicable law.

5.14.  We do not pass on data to a third party in a country where there is no sufficient guarantee to ensure with it the human rights of the data providing User. In case of doubt, this topic has been discussed and agreed on with the User before the data transfer.

5.15. Social media plug-ins of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google plus or other services with content generated by the User can be integrated into the Website.

Where the Website contains plug-ins from a social network site, this is clearly indicated (e.g. with a Facebook button).

If the User decides to click on one of these buttons or links, his / her browser automatically connects to the servers of the relevant social network.

The Privacy Policy of the other Website applies to any personal information provided by the User to that Website. If the User wishes the social network to collect his / her information, he / she is requested to check the Privacy Policy of the relevant social network and / or to log out of the social network before visiting the Website.


6.1.  Online payment services can be integrated into the Website.

6.2.  The relationship between the User and the online payment service that he / she uses is governed by the service provider's Privacy Policy, which should also include provisions regarding the processing of personal data sent to this service provider as part of the service, and for which it will be the data guard.

6.3.  When a payment is made to Us, the User declares that he / she has read, understood and accepted the Privacy Policy of the payment service provider.  


7.1. Persons under the age of 13 and persons who do not have full legal capacity are not allowed to use the Website in order to provide their personal data.

7.2. All underage Users (usually under the age of 18) and persons who do not have full legal capacity in the jurisdiction under which they fall are not permitted to use the financial and personal data sharing applications on the Site. We do not allow them to provide personal data.


8.1. We will keep the personal data of its Users with a view to achieving the set goals (see point 4.3.).

8.2.We may also continue to store personal data of unsubscribed Users, including all correspondence or request for assistance sent to Us, in order to be able to answer all questions or complaints that it has received after the order and to comply with the governing legislation, namely those relating to taxes.


9.1.  Unless otherwise indicated, all content on the Website, including but not limited to, texts, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, images, sounds, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations and software, all this is the property of House of Chances vzw or the content providers, and is protected by Belgian and / or applicable foreign laws.

9.2.  Established trademarks and brands of Us are indicated on the Website and are licensees in Belgium and in other countries. All trademarks on the House of Chances vzw Website are the property of their respective owners.

9.3.  The Website User is not allowed to use the brands, trademarks, trade names, service names, or other proprietary images that appear via the House of Chances vzw Website without permission.

For more information, the User is requested to contact us. We respect everyone's (intellectual) property right.

9.4. Users who believe that any material available on or via the Website violates any copyright they own or control, or that We do so in any other way, are requested to report this immediately to Us (see 13.1.).

A copy will be sent to the person / organization / company that posted or retains the material covered by the notification.

9.5. Users are kindly advised that due to law, they may be held responsible for material misrepresentations made in a report. Therefore, Users who are unsure that any material contained in or linked to the Website violates their copyright laws should consider contacting a counselor.


10.1.  To the extent permitted or required by the appropriate legislation or legal bodies in our jurisdiction or in any of the Users, We may revise or update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Users are bound by these changes or updates.

10.2.   Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as soon as they are posted on the Internet by way of the revised Privacy Policy. By continuing to use the Website after these changes, Users are deemed to have agreed to these changes.

10.3.  If we implement material changes to the way in which User information is collected and used, resulting in that information being used for purposes for which Users have not given permission, Users will be informed of those changes and a new permission will be requested in order to continue to use that information.


11.1.  Failure by Us to - at a given moment - invoke a provision may not be interpreted as a subsequent waiver of the rights of the aforementioned provision.

11.2.  The unenforceability, lapsing, or unenforceable nature of all or any portion of the above provisions will not imply the invalidity of the entire Privacy Policy. Any provision that is invalid, lapsed or unenforceable, in whole or in part, will be deemed not to have been written. We undertake to replace this provision by another one that, as far as possible, fulfills the same purpose.


12.1.  The validity, interpretation and / or implementation of the Privacy Policy is subject to Belgian law, to the extent permitted by law by the provisions of the applicable international private law.

12.2.  In the event of a disagreement regarding the validity, interpretation and / or implementation of the Privacy Policy, the courts of Brussels / Halle (Belgium) have exclusive jurisdiction, to the extent permitted by law by the provisions of the applicable international private law.


In order to handle a complaint regarding the Website, or to obtain further explanations about the Privacy Policy and the Policy in general of the Site, please contact Us by e-mail:, or by postal address:

Thierry Limpens

Kuikenstraat 148

1620 Drogenbos


For complaints and for certain other requests, this letter must be accompanied by a copy of your identity card or passport.