Self-coaching is freedom

I sometimes hear it said: we, humans, are far from being free. Yet everyone aspires to become free. Or let me say: to become freer. But what is freedom? Personally, I strongly believe in self-coaching as a path to freedom. Freedom and self-coaching, they are synonyms. So let me ask the question again: what is freedom? From the answers to this question, we can learn more about the core of self-coaching.

Is freedom like a fish in water, being able to go where you want, do and think what you want and not deprive others of that freedom? Is freedom allowed to chase your dreams no matter who you are?

This is freedom. That is why self-coaching is learning to believe in your own desires, wishes and dreams. It is learning to choose for yourself, for self-fulfillment, for what makes you most happy.

Is freedom the key to respect for the other? Is freedom the opener of the door that connects me and the other? Is it a freedom without limits, except that of respect for the other, of taking each other into account?

This is freedom. That is why self-coaching is learning to find respect for the other and thus for oneself. It is the wish to follow the rule and the norm of the other not to cause harm, to empathize with the other and to grow in it. Self-coaching is learning not to make decisions 'against' the other, but sitting down together and being there for each other. It is learning to realize that we are only free when we are free together. Self-coaching is becoming the power woman, man or Queer that draws people together with the gentle example of one's own life.

Is freedom seeking the intoxication, the ecstasy, letting yourself go completely? Is it the intoxication of a glass of wine or whiskey, of cheering with tens of thousands of fans in a stadium at the win of your sports team or your athlete, of the delight of beholding the wonders of nature, of dancing together, of immerse yourself in a trance meditation alone or in a group, explore the limits of your powers on a survival journey?

This is freedom. That is why self-coaching is the ultimate experience of seeking joy alone or in a group. It is a boundless desire to find and surrender to it. Self-coaching is letting yourself discover what can give you that joy.

Is freedom finding like-minded people who together abide by rules, who can adapt to the difficult balance between the practical freedom of everyday life and our need to be involved in the freedom of the greater whole? Like the survival of our planet earth?

This is freedom. That is why self-coaching is the freedom of the group and discovering for yourself the wider world that determines our daily life. It is the freedom of letting yourself realize that we are dependent on each other.

Is freedom the absence of everything that does not make us free against our will? The absence of what oppresses us, makes us unhappy, gives us a (feeling of) insecurity, weakens us mentally and physically? Is freedom that difficult freedom because we are all subject to suffering, to injustice, to limitations? Is freedom standing up for yourself and the other, or rather: standing up for each other together?

This is freedom. That is why self-coaching is the freedom you create by building resilience into your life. It is continuing with your belief in a better world for yourself and others, against the flow of obstacles and powerlessness.

* * *

When you realize alle these registers of freedom, you do self-coaching. Many people do it without realizing it. But it is good to think about it in order to grow in freedom. This last level of understanding, realizing that you need self-coaching, I call going into the visionary power that we all have within us. It is the power that makes us more beautiful, as human beings, as a world.

Do you see it at all? Do you remember the opening of this blog? That many people argue that freedom does not exist. Sure, I don't want to deny that it's often stolen from us. But living, really living, is a victory towards greater freedom for ourselves and others. We cannot ignore self-coaching if we want to believe in freedom, if we want to make something out of life. So allow me to recap:

  • Freedom and self-coaching is chasing your dreams to be able to do as much as possible and think what you think is best for yourself and others;

  • Freedom and self-coaching creates respect, for yourself and the other, with each other;

  • Freedom and self-coaching is seeking the bliss that brings you back to breath, that restores your balance with yourself by giving you the boost you need;

  • Freedom and self-coaching is seeking the bliss that brings you back to breath, that restores your balance with yourself by giving you the boost you need;

  • Freedom and self-coaching is willing to take up our responsibilities with a good mind in our private sphere and on a social level;

  • Freedom and self-coaching is within ourselves, but together with others, we want to find the strength that makes us resilient to tackle our obstacles and to drive back injustice.

by Thierry Limpens

Thierry Limpens