1. Everyone is sensitive

All people have a sensitive nature. This sensitive nature has to do with stimuli that require longer or deeper processing. If we want to compare people's irritability with each other, it is best to speak in terms of degrees.

Everyone gets overstimulated from time to time, and everyone has things in life that go deeper and require more processing time, which require us to set up stronger filters. Moreover, we live in a time when many things are constantly coming at us, shattered as it were.

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Thierry Limpens
2. Responding to our inner voice

I've always been a sensitive boy. From childhood. That has done a lot to me. It made me live, live intensely. Intense moments of deep happiness, but also sadness. Beautiful encounters, experiences, discoveries, pushing boundaries, enjoying. I've always wanted to embrace the whole world. Looking for peace, giving peace and always discovering that my heart feels this differently.

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Thierry Limpens
3. Visionary Humanism

Over the years I have discovered some things about the role our sensitive natures play in our lives. I have also developed ideas about what I describe as visionary power. I have found that whoever can coach themselves has everything in their hands to become a free person. But what is freedom as our goal of self-coaching? What is the positive thing about us being sensitive? What does our sensitive nature mean for our visionary success?

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Thierry Limpens
4. Co-coaching and self-liberation

Songs are often a dialogue with the emotional side of life. I really like the song Vader & Zoon by Cat Stevens. This song is about the wonderful openness of a son who very sincerely explains to his father that he wants to become a revolutionary rebel. But his father is not to be found. So, according to all expectations, the son wanted to take up arms as a resistance fighter and the father asked him to think twice about it.

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Thierry Limpens
5. The freedom of enjoyment

One of the goals of self-coaching to come to freedom from our emotional world, brings us to the role of enjoyment in our lives. This is joie de vivre. Allow me to illustrate this with a story.

You know that feeling of being free, like a bird in the sky? A bird that flies over the fields and sings a song high in the trees. Whistles, as free as a bird. What a wonderful feeling.

Have you ever had this? Think about it, when do you feel most free?

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Thierry Limpens
6. In each other's most beautiful country

There is a country that is by far the most beautiful in the world. And there are my friends. Those are crazy. Not really crazy, but very sensitive and you can experience the best moments with them. These friends are special. They are the first citizens of that country. For it is the home of all people of sensitive nature. And my friends feel at home there! It's all of us at home.

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Thierry Limpens
7. Finally. The Glory of a Child

To conclude, a story from Japanese antiquity. It tells of a samurai, combative as a ruff, who commanded a Zen master to explain the principles of doom and glory. But the monk spoke contemptuously to the general: “You are nothing. Why should I waste time with people like you!”

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Thierry Limpens